Vision Statement
The AVC Children’s Ministry exists to bring lost children to saving faith in Christ and to respond to the unique needs of children by providing age-graded opportunities to shape the values of our church into their lives, to awaken each child to their sense of destiny, to shape their world view, and to develop their spiritual capacity while serving to support and not to replace the primary parental responsibility for spiritual development in the home.
Mission Statement
To assist children in the community, as well as in the church family in coming to genuine faith in Christ and to help parents at AVC in identifying the unique traits and developing the spiritual capacity of their children.
What Sundays Look Like…
Snack Time: Each week we provide a snack for kids when they arrive at 10:15am for check in. Usually it is a donut from Dunkin Donuts or a Muffin from Whole Foods along with juice or water. We also provide an adult or teen leader to consistently monitor and distribute the snacks to each young person. Each child is allowed one donut or one muffin. If you prefer your child to not eat a specific snack item please notify us in advance via email / phone or when you drop off your student so we can try to provide a snack option for them (usually goldfish or cheddar bunnies). Additionally, please let us know if your child has any food allergies of any kind.
Little Kid Connection- Birth through Kindergarten
In Little Kid Connection, the children enjoy learning about God’s Word through fun, age-appropriate lessons, music, crafts and activities. The children also enjoy puppet shows and indoor playground time.
- Movers & Shakers- Infants and toddlers
- Kingdom Explorers- Two year olds *
- Kingdom Followers- Three and four year olds *
- Kingdom Encouragers- Five year olds and Kindergarten *On or before Sept. 1st
About 252 Basics – Orange Curriculum / 1st – 6th grades:
252 Basics is an easy-to-use curriculum centered on 3 Basic Truths modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52:
- •I need to make the wise choice.
- •I can trust God no matter what.
- •I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
By the time children reach the fifth grade, we want them to understand and own these 3 Basic Truths, so they’re reinforced each week. We also focus on a core virtue each month. This virtue is supported by the weekly bottom line—the learning aim for the day.
On the whole, 252 Basics utilizes Bible stories, a core virtue, and a memory verse each month while offering engaging presentations of the 3 Basic Truths. We also throw in some handy illustrations of how God works in our lives to make us more like Him. Our passion is to see elementary school students enter middle school eager to discover more about God. We believe as they experience the wonder of God and are drawn into discovering how He touches every aspect of life, then a passionate faith will grow. What could be more satisfying than young students discovering that their true identity rests in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ?