Small Groups

Small groups at the Atlanta Vineyard offer opportunities to grow in relationships with one another as we together grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We offer a variety of ways to connect with others in a small group setting (all of these opportunities are held at the AVC unless otherwise noted) . . . please join us!

* Sunday Morning Prayer (every Sunday @ 9:45am) . . . All are welcome

* Dunwoody Small Group (@ 7:00PM in Dunwoody) . . . contact Lon for more information
Meets via Zoom

* Chamblee Small Group (@7:45PM in Chamblee) … contact Sam for more information
Meets via Zoom


Have a question about Small Groups?

Don’t worry…. simply complete the short form below and
one of our Small Group Leaders will follow up with you.
We’re glad to help you get plugged in.
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