Connecting Women to Women and Women to the Heart of God
Sharing Life: Table Talk
Click here for date and time information about the
Sharing Life: Table Talk. Sign up at the
Connect Table following Sunday services.
Join us as we connect through testimonials, prayer,
music and dinner!
Here’s a great tool to help you organize the taking of meals to people in times of need –
Our goal in the Atlanta Vineyard Women’s Ministry is to empower women to realize and pursue their God-given passion!
There are five facets of our ministry:
- Healing and Prayer: Connecting Women to Healing Resources
We want more of God through prayer, intercession, and reconciliation. Healing and prayer are integral to the fabric of our values as we develop a closer relationship with God.
- Mentoring and Community: Connecting Women to the Hope of God
As we draw near to God, we realize one of our redemptive purposes is to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and forgiveness while adhering to the same balance that Jesus did: of grace and truth.
- Teaching and Equipping: Connecting Women to the Word of God
Women will grow in their relationship with God and one another as they study the Bible together: complemented by a blend of contemporary and classic resources as well as live and DVD teachings.
- Sharing and Fellowship: Connecting Women to One Another
We are changed by one another’s testimonies! Fear of rejection is removed, and women begin to experience God’s heart when they share their own hearts with one another.
- Outreach: Connecting Women to Expressions of Faith
We cannot, and should not, remain self focused as a community of believing women. We must move forward and advance the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth!
For more information please contact Carolyn Kelly